
Quick Release Halters

" I have been keeping and showing Highland Cattle for around 15 years now, starting off with 2 heifer calves.
At first I didn't have any problems getting the halter off my animals, but as they got older and their horns got bigger, halter removal became more of a challenge. They would throw their heads around, becoming very stressed and as I'm sure you can imagine, trying to get the halter off a bull in a trailer was frightening!
There wasn't any malice intended by the cattle it was just impatience. Once I started to remove the halter it seemed all they wanted to do was get it off a bit quicker. It was because of this I decided to design a halter with a 'quick release' clip.
I'd been thinking of the idea for a few years but had never got round to doing anything about it until one day on holiday I happened to walk by a rope makers and popped in.
I discussed the idea with them and had a prototype made. I then set off to try it on my most fiesty cow. I put the new halter on with no problem, tied her to post and groomed.
To remove the halter I simply unclipped it at the side and just let it slip off her nose.
It was so easy and safe, I was very pleased my idea worked and the cow was happy to be halter free with no hassle.
My quick-release design is much safer and easier to use than a standard model, it does not stress the animals and means no more trying to re-catch a cow to finish removing the halter!
The halters are suitable for all types of livestock and make life so much easier."
